€74.00 Tax included
€74.00 Tax excluded
Powder Measure Dosatore per polvere da sparo - FRANFORD ARSENAL
Kit cutter (Taglia cartucce) - OMV
Rover 2000/4 - Pressa Orlatrice Elettrica Manuale - GAEP
OHAUS Bilancia Elettronica PR124 - OHAUS
Calipers Calibro digitale con misurazione “mm-pollici” - FRANKFORD ARSENAL
Single Adjustable Doser With Stable Weight And Ring For Its Adjustment - SAG NATURE
Kit timbro 2 - OMV
Bobine orlatrici in ottone - OMV
Inchiostroin Pasta Professionale - GAEP
Bobine orlatrici in acciaio - OMV
Plastic Closure Coil Round Edge Special 10s - 12 Gauge - GUALANDI
Dual Ricalibratore - GAEP
Additional Gauge For Benchtop Dual Calibrator - SAG NATURE
Vs Drill Press - GAEP
Cartrige Overall Lenght Gauge per determinazione OAL - FRANKFORD ARSENAL
Calibratore Basic - OMV